Hearing Aid Technology - Delray Beach, FL

Tinnitus Information: How to Manage the Ringing in Your Ears

Are you hearing a ringing sound, white noise, or clicking in your ears? You may be among the 50 million Americans each year suffering from tinnitus. Tinnitus can even sound like wind or crackling. Because it’s constant, tinnitus can be extremely distracting and may keep you awake at night. Despite all the hype you may have heard on social media, there is no cure for tinnitus. However, there are many ways to manage it successfully so you can sleep better and go back to enjoying quiet moments.

Management often depends on what’s causing your tinnitus

Tinnitus is often associated with hearing loss or can occur after concerts or other extended loud noise. However, tinnitus can also be a side effect of medication, allergies, high blood pressure or other health conditions. Uncovering the root cause of your tinnitus will help you find the best management program.


    Get relief from your tinnitus

    Make an appointment for with us for an audiometric hearing test to determine whether hearing aids can help. We may refer you to an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor or other specialist to complete your diagnosis.

    How do I stop the constant ringing in my ears?

    Until we identify a management option, avoid things that appear to make your tinnitus worse. If you are regularly exposed to loud noise through your work or home environment, make sure you have adequate hearing protection. If you’re taking medications, check the side effects and if they are known to cause tinnitus consult your doctor to see if an alternative management programs would be a better option for you.

    Common tinnitus management programs

    Tinnitus management can be as easy as removing impacted earwax, changing medications, or taking measures to lower your blood pressure. If those are not the cause of your tinnitus, you may need other management options such as special hearing aids, maskers, allergy treatments, meditation or cognitive behavioral therapy. 



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